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War Thunder Dynamic Campaign

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  1. Japanese Pacific Campaign War Thunder
  2. War Thunder Dynamic Campaign Jets
  3. War Thunder Dynamic Campaign Rewards
  4. War Thunder Dynamic Campaign 1

Try the Random Battles multiplayer side of the game, once you start you will never want to do dynamic campaigns again. The default PS4 controls are not working right now but eventually they will fix them. You should still customize your controls, since default are pretty bad. Hey guys, I was wondering if you can help a newbie out. I was looking at some decals and I saw 'Battle of South Pacific' and wanted to know how to earn them. Is this a specific mission? Is this part of the dynamic campaign and the western front? Do I have to beat the entire campagn?

  • 1Multiplayer
    • 1.5Events
  • 2Singleplayer


Arcade Battles

In arcade mode, the game draws two teams of players (up to 32 people) with planes of different nations with similar battle ratings]. It is possible to see aircraft of the same type on opposing teams. Damage models, flight models, and physics are greatly simplified (e.g. in very high-speed dives, planes do not have their wings ripped off and are still controllable), but retain some realism (e.g. bombers are not as maneuverable as fighters), and ammunition reloads after a certain period of time without players returning to an airfield. Multiple views are available; third person view, cockpit view, gunner view (if the aircraft has a gunner) and virtual cockpit view (if the aircraft does not have a cockpit model the virtual cockpit will be used). Arcade mode games are played in either 'Ground Strike' mode - where in order to win you must destroy all enemy ground units, shoot down all enemy aircraft or destroy the enemy bombing points and airfield- or 'Domination' mode, which consists of seizing enemy airfields by landing your aircraft on them, causing the opposing team to slowly lose 'tickets'; the team whose tickets reach zero first or lose all of their aircraft loses. Also, to help simplify aiming, a 'leading marker' appears when an enemy plane is in range. This shows where the enemy plane will be by the time your shots reach it if the plane continues its current trajectory.

Air Assault:
In Air assault mode the same rules as in arcade apply to flight and damage models and in-flight rearming. What is different is that this mode is for either random or premade team of 8 and requires at least some teamwork. There is also an unlimited number of respawns at 50% AB Silver Lion cost. The main objective is to defend your team's base from growing waves(15 presently) of enemy AI-controlled bombers, fighters, and howitzers. The bomber's gunners are active but most of the fighters and howitzers do not pose a direct threat to the player.

Ground Forces:
In Arcade Ground Forces - tank handling is simplified (Tanks move faster, and turn faster than they would do in reality), spotted enemy vehicles are displayed on the minimap and have visible nametags on them when aimed at. There is also an 'Aim assistant' - crosshair indicating where should your shot land if fired under current elevation, together with an indication of whether your shell should be able to penetrate the target, or not.
Teams are composed with no regard to nationality, the only factor is the vehicle's BattleRating. Lastly, when your vehicle is knocked out, you can respawn with a different vehicle(from your lineup), up to 3 spawns total (+ 1 reserve tank).

Realistic Battles

Realistic mode (alias RB) is designed for more experienced players. More realistic damage models, flight models, and physics makes gameplay less forgiving, and aircraft fly much more similar to their historical counterparts, with their strengths and weaknesses more apparent than in arcade mode. Also, once all ammunition and ordnance are expended players will have to return to their airfield to reload, and there is no 'leading marker' to assist with aiming. In this mode, unlike the arcade game, teams feature aircraft from specific nations, making gameplay more accurately reflect historical encounters such as the Battle of Stalingrad, fought between the USSR and Germany, or the Battle of Midway, fought between the Japanese Empire and the US. These historical scenarios will all have different objectives similar to the battles they represent, such as destroying a German tank advance at Kursk or repelling a Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor.

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Ground Forces:
In Ground Forces, characteristics of the realistic mode are similar to that of the Aviation Realistic mode - Tank behauvior is more realistic. Tanks feel overall much more 'heavy' - they accelerate slower, lose much more speed in turns, do not slide so much and handle much more 'jerky' as real tanks do. Traversing the turret, and aiming the gun at the target also takes much more time, some crew skills become very obvious (inexperienced gunner first rotates the turret, and only then slowly adjusts the gun elevation, experienced gunner can do both tasks at the same time). Then, when your tank is hit, and needs a field repair, doing it takes much longer than it does in Arcade battles (often up to 2 minutes).
Battles themselves change as well - only certain maps are played, and they are usually larger than the original. Teams are additionally sorted by nations, e.g. USSR vs Germany in Berlin map (although occasionally mixed nation battles, like USA+Germany vs USSR, are still possible).

Last important differences are visual - there is no coloured crosshair to tell you where will your shot go, after being fired, or whether it can penetrate your target. Enemy vehicles are also not displayed on the minimap, and have no name tags on them - instead, only a red coloured circle is briefly displayed on the minimap, when nearby ally spots a vehicle, approximately showing you the position of 'some unknown enemy'.

Simulator Battles

SB mode is based on the most realistic simulation settings; only the first-person view in the cockpit or gunner views are available, and flight physics are at their most realistic settings, reflecting the real-world attributes of aircraft to a fairly accurate level. The gameplay of simulator mode is similar to that of realistic battles - two teams of different nations are fighting each other for dominance in the sky and on the ground to achieve their objectives, but the realism of the game at this level is even higher. Simulator settings also require players to play with a joystick, gamepad or 'mousejoy' as opposed to mouse-aim available in other modes, lead indicators are not present and players must return to airfields to rearm and repair their aircraft.

Enduring Confrontation

Enduring Confrontation (also known as 'EC') is a separate game mode for aircraft in War Thunder. Unlike in traditional random battles, this mode allows you to join a battle at any time. You also have unlimited respawns, subject to certain rules. In EC, the emphasis is on the players' ability to influence the situation on the battlefield.

Japanese Pacific Campaign War Thunder

Battles in EC occur as Events, so you can find this mode in the 'Events and Tournaments' section underneath the 'To Battle' button. EC is the primary game mode for aircraft in Simulator Battles, and a simplified version of it in Arcade Battles is the only separate game mode for helicopters. To join a battle in Enduring Confrontation, you can either wait in the general queue as you would in random battles, or call up a list of active rooms (ongoing battles) sorted by country and rank and, if there are available spots on a team, join your preferred side in that room. You can call up a list of rooms by pressing the button of the same name.


Historic missions

Events mode is often available in realistic and simulator battle settings, allowing players to partake in battles recreated as accurately as possible using historical sets of aircraft, rather than using the regular matchmaking system of battle ratings. This allows for a more challenging experience for players wishing to play less advanced nations, whilst still providing balanced gameplay through different numbers of players on each team - the more technologically advanced team will often have several less aircraft than the disadvantaged team, whilst the opposition will retain numerical superiority. Occasionally, special community events will be held with arcade mode settings.


  • Flight of the swallows
German team has sole access to the Me 262 Schwalbe jet fighter and must bring down a bomber formation of B-17G Flying Fortresses. All while they are under attack by their escorts, the legendary P-51D Mustang. 'In 1944, on the threshold of the battle of the Bulge, the US was concerned about the increasing numbers of jet-propelled aircraft in German hands. In order to put an end to this threat, an armada of B-17's were tasked with bombing the airfields that the 'swallows' were based at.'
  • Operation Uranus
German forces are trying to break through the encircled city of Stalingrad.
  • Operation 'Chastise'
Night time escort mission. Lancaster formation must break through German air defense on their way to an industrial night raid. RAF equivalent to 'Guardian Angels' event. 'On the 5th of March, 1943, the Battle of Ruhr was begun; a campaign of strategic bombing that took place during the Second World War. This campaign was planned as an assault on the German industrial area of Ruhr, and both British and American forces took part.'
  • Guardian Angels
USAAF equivalent to 'Guardian Angels' event, but in the daytime and B-17s'Schweinfurt was the location of most of the ball-bearing production in Germany at the onset of World War II, it was eventually devastated following a series of Allied strategic bombing raids. It was hoped that the destruction of the factories located in the city would cripple the production of new tanks and aircraft.'

Squadron battles

For Arcade and matched by Eras, this mode lets teams of 8 players per side duel each other for air supremacy. Matchmaker will only put squadron members of the same clan into the teams, so have 8 fellow pilots ready! Maximum opponent dispersion is one era e.g. era III vs era IV is possible, but not era II vs era IV.

For Realistic a different setup is in use known as Tactical Battles with fixed line-ups and a team count of 7v7. Unlike common tank RB matches, all markers are enabled. Bluebeam revu standard keygen for mac.

Due low attendance this event is limited to the following times:

  • 17:00 -> 23:00 (West coast US time)
  • 20:00 -> 02:00 (East coast & Peru & Columbia & Ecuador & Cuba & Jamaica time)
  • 22:00 -> 04:00 (East Brazilian & Argentinian & Greenland time)
  • 01:00 -> 07:00 GMT (British, Irish & Portuguese time)
  • 02:00 -> 08:00 (Central European time)
  • 03:00 -> 09:00 (East European & Near East & South Africa time)
  • 09:00 -> 15:00 (Manila & Perth time)

Often enough, no available opposition caused teams of players to wait almost indefinitely, or the matchmaker to go haywire and put jet versus piston aircraft. Official forum announcement detailing these changes.
A Question and answer session script can be found on the War Thunder forum: Q&A session about Squadron Battles


Players use the plane at his disposal to fly through a marked course to get to the finish line first. The matchmaker only takes eras into account. Rockets, bombs and guns are disabled.

In the 'Formula War Thunder' time is of the essence. Players are sorted via the ELO system and the best racers win in-game prizes.


All era Iboat- and hydro-planes of War Thunder gather in this mode to try and conquer capture zones on the water.


Rapid fire!

Lightly armoured anti-air vehicles duels each other here without the interference of their bigger brothers. For balancing reasons Era V & the Kugelblitz are not participating.


Exclusive for the Victory Day a special mission was available for play in War Thunder's event browser. 'Victory Hour' was a scripted Berlin map wherein a four men tank platoon (the players) were on to repel a German counterattack and then press forwards to capture the Reichstag. In style it was similar to the singleplayer missions available for aviation, albeit earning more Silver Lions and Research Points and having the earlier in 'March to Victory!' introduced spawn point system for special vehicles (here: IS-2 mod.44).

War in Mid Air

In this event, teams are split between attackers and defenders. The task of the attacking ‘aircraft' team is to destroy the armoured vehicles that are positioned inside the city and subsequently the anti-air units as well.
The task of the defending anti-aircraft vehicles is to stop the attack from happening and hold the city. Tickets for the attacking team will reduce up to the point when all the city ground vehicles have been destroyed. If the aviation team succeeds in its task, the ticket bleed stops and the task will switch to destroying the remaining anti-air vehicles.

'100' Team Deathmatch

The '100' event features in both Air and Ground Force battles and is currently exclusive to Arcade mode. In Air Battles, the event is played on the Khalkhin Gol map, in Ground Battles the Poland map is used.Teams battle it out to be the first team to reach 100 destroyed enemies vehicles and win. The event has unlimited respawns.

April Fools (1st April) Events

Every year on the 1st April, War Thunder has held special one time only events. From Giant Japanese Snails and Flying Ponies to Russian Mechs and Inflatable tanks, players could be faced with absolutely anything on this day!

Past Events:

  • 2012 - Star Thunder
  • 2013 - 'Pony Beta'
  • 2014 - Daikaidzu 'Gaijilla' GD11a
  • 2015 - ST-1 Alpha Test (March to Victory!) & 'Unrealistic Battles'
  • 2016 - Sailing fleet in War Thunder!
  • 2017 - Rank IX
War Thunder Dynamic Campaign

Wiki April Fools: Caligrafia palmer para imprimir pdf.

World War Mode

A game mode involving battles on a global map. Conflict will occur in the format of 'operations', which include dozens of individual battles. The game mode differs significantly for the commander, officers and ordinary members of a squadron. Commanders and officers are able to choose which operations their squadrons will participate in, move forces in real time on the operational map and initiate battles.

In the World War game, RB game mode will be used with the marker mechanics of the AB.


Single Missions

War thunder dynamic campaign missions

Each mission unlocked by fulfilling criteria similar to achievements. Short missions usually with a gameplay twist and a short narrative.

Dynamic Campaign

Via selecting settings a historic campaign can be played were vehicles and missions are given by the game. After each sortie, the available missions change and the previous mission's impacts the military campaign on the strategic map.

War Thunder Dynamic Campaign Jets

Historical Campaign


Rapid fire!

Lightly armoured anti-air vehicles duels each other here without the interference of their bigger brothers. For balancing reasons Era V & the Kugelblitz are not participating.


Exclusive for the Victory Day a special mission was available for play in War Thunder's event browser. 'Victory Hour' was a scripted Berlin map wherein a four men tank platoon (the players) were on to repel a German counterattack and then press forwards to capture the Reichstag. In style it was similar to the singleplayer missions available for aviation, albeit earning more Silver Lions and Research Points and having the earlier in 'March to Victory!' introduced spawn point system for special vehicles (here: IS-2 mod.44).

War in Mid Air

In this event, teams are split between attackers and defenders. The task of the attacking ‘aircraft' team is to destroy the armoured vehicles that are positioned inside the city and subsequently the anti-air units as well.
The task of the defending anti-aircraft vehicles is to stop the attack from happening and hold the city. Tickets for the attacking team will reduce up to the point when all the city ground vehicles have been destroyed. If the aviation team succeeds in its task, the ticket bleed stops and the task will switch to destroying the remaining anti-air vehicles.

'100' Team Deathmatch

The '100' event features in both Air and Ground Force battles and is currently exclusive to Arcade mode. In Air Battles, the event is played on the Khalkhin Gol map, in Ground Battles the Poland map is used.Teams battle it out to be the first team to reach 100 destroyed enemies vehicles and win. The event has unlimited respawns.

April Fools (1st April) Events

Every year on the 1st April, War Thunder has held special one time only events. From Giant Japanese Snails and Flying Ponies to Russian Mechs and Inflatable tanks, players could be faced with absolutely anything on this day!

Past Events:

  • 2012 - Star Thunder
  • 2013 - 'Pony Beta'
  • 2014 - Daikaidzu 'Gaijilla' GD11a
  • 2015 - ST-1 Alpha Test (March to Victory!) & 'Unrealistic Battles'
  • 2016 - Sailing fleet in War Thunder!
  • 2017 - Rank IX

Wiki April Fools: Caligrafia palmer para imprimir pdf.

World War Mode

A game mode involving battles on a global map. Conflict will occur in the format of 'operations', which include dozens of individual battles. The game mode differs significantly for the commander, officers and ordinary members of a squadron. Commanders and officers are able to choose which operations their squadrons will participate in, move forces in real time on the operational map and initiate battles.

In the World War game, RB game mode will be used with the marker mechanics of the AB.


Single Missions

Each mission unlocked by fulfilling criteria similar to achievements. Short missions usually with a gameplay twist and a short narrative.

Dynamic Campaign

Via selecting settings a historic campaign can be played were vehicles and missions are given by the game. After each sortie, the available missions change and the previous mission's impacts the military campaign on the strategic map.

War Thunder Dynamic Campaign Jets

Historical Campaign

Available only after purchasing in the store. Currently, the Pacific Campaign for the US or Japan is playable.

User Missions

Community created sorties. Visit live.warthunder.

Mission Editor

Available in the lower left corner of the test flight window once the vehicle in question is bought. Allows for creating missions with set parameters and style like Dynamic Campaign.

Test drive/flight

For testing various configurations of the vehicle.

War Thunder Dynamic Campaign Rewards


War Thunder Dynamic Campaign 1

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Hints are helpful/not-so-helpful hints that appear in War Thunder loading screens.

These hints often drop tips, historical trivias, or humour. Check it!

  • 1The List

Game tips

  • You can use zoom to see the target better.
  • Make sure to visit the Encyclopedia often. It contains a lot of useful information.
  • You can use the mouse look button (C by default) to look around.
  • You can send short messages to your team by using the special menu (T by default), and every player will see them in his own language.
  • Don't know what to do in a stall or a spin? We have a special tutorial for this.
  • The Immelmann is an effective way to change direction in combat.
  • A loop can help you get onto your opponent's tail.
  • Watch out for enemy waist gunners.
  • Use the Target Camera. You can toggle it by holding the right mouse button.
  • You can control the gunners on some aircraft. Switch between available positions with the Switch Camera button.
  • Always try to have an altitude advantage over your opponent.
  • You are a more difficult target to hit when flying at tree-top level.
  • You can decorate your plane in the Hangar.
  • When landing, drop your landing gear and don't forget to reduce airspeed.
  • Don't forget to raise your landing gear after take-off.
  • You can repair your airplane and replenish your ammo in friendly airfields and aircraft carriers.
  • Don't forget to lead your target when firing. The lead angle is displayed along the target's flight path.
  • Rockets have poor accuracy. It's best to fire off a few at a time.
  • Try to aim for the bomber's engines. It won't get far without them.
  • You can check out all available planes in the Research.
  • Aircraft can fly with critical damage, even without half of a wing. You can read more about it in Encyclopedia.
  • Watch your altitude carefully, especially when performing maneuvers!
  • The farther from your target you drop your torpedo, the more likely the target will be able to dodge it.
  • The optimal distance for launching torpedoes is about one kilometer from the target.
  • You can illuminate the aiming reticle light Crosshair lighting in sniper mode.
  • For heavily armoured targets APCR and APDS shells are recommended.
  • HEAT shells are good for long-range operations.
  • Want to rewrite history? Try Dynamic Campaign!
  • Want more? You can try different scenarios in Mission Editor.
  • Tanks and SPGs are usually hard to pierce by shooting into the front side of the hull or turret, side and rear platings are easier to penetrate.
  • Large-calibre HE shells may be effective against medium and large tanks.
  • To allow repairs on the battlefield you have to research the Parts modification.
  • To be able to extinguishing a fire in a vehicle, you have to research the modification FPE (Fire Prevention Equipment).
  • For softer targets it would be best to use HE or HEAT shells.
  • Full calibre AP shells have less penetrating power than APCR or APDS shells, but they do more damage in case of successful penetration.
  • If the gunner is knocked out, the tank cannot fire for a while. It takes some time to replace him with another crew member.
  • If the driver is knocked out, the vehicle will not be able to move for a while. Some time is required for replacing them by another crew member.
  • Field repair time increases when one or more crew members are unconscious.
  • Vehicle fire rate reduces when the Loader is wounded or unconscious.
  • To determine a vehicle's weak points, use the armour penetration indicator.
  • If you have the Artillery Support modification installed on your current vehicle, you can call for an artillery strike in the area indicated on the map.
  • You can set the shooting distance in the sniper mode.
  • Use your binoculars, it costs nothing.
  • Any ship can be stopped by pressing the B key (by default).
  • During combat, switch between groups of primary (alt+1), secondary (alt+2), and anti-aircraft (alt+3) weapons.
  • Use the torpedo sight (set as the Q key by default).
  • Select target groups for your gunners (use the E key by default).
  • You can select targets for primary weapons (X+1 by default).
  • You can select targets for secondary weapons (X+2 by default).
  • You can select targets for anti-aircraft weapons (X+3 by default).
  • In the menu, you can turn the tracking system on or off for falling of your shells with a caliber equal to or greater than 100 mm.
  • You can turn on automatic repair for breaches and flood prevention (press and hold the 8 key by default).
  • You can turn on automatic damage repair (press and hold the 7 key by default).
  • You can turn on automatic fire extinguishing (press and hold the 6 key by default).
  • If repairs, extinguishing fires, and bailing water are done simultaneously, they take far more time than each of them does alone.
  • In the control menu, you can assign keys to manually control direction and range of fire.
  • In the control menu, you can assign a key to fire a trial shot from a primary weapon.
  • On large ships, you will lose all the shells in your ammo magazine if they catch fire.
  • If the ammo magazine becomes flooded, all of the shells in it will be inaccessible until the water is pumped out.
  • If the engine room is flooded, the engines and transmission there will be knocked out.
  • If the funnel is damaged, the maximum forward speed of the ship is reduced.
  • If the bridge of the ship is damaged and your helmsman and commander are gone, you lose the ability to control the ship until you replace them with other members of the crew.
  • If the roll is not removed in time, the ship may capsize.
  • Breaches and flooding reduce the ship's maximum speed.
  • A rudder damaged during a turn can get jammed and the ship will be turning until the rudder is fixed.
  • If the rudder is damaged, you can still control the ship with the help of the engines, but it will be much slower.
  • Breaches take on water faster while the ship is moving.
  • Aim below the waterline if you want to pierce your enemy's hull and cause flooding.
  • You can cancel a repair process, water bailing, or fire extinguishing by repeatedly pressing and holding the corresponding key for that action.
  • Bomb throwers shoot in the same direction as the player's view (R by default).
  • You can use your favorite vehicle twice in the same battle if you have a Backup vehicle. A Backup vehicle can be purchased in the modifications window or received as a result of a battle.
  • HEAT shells and rockets explode in contact with any obstacles, such as trees or fences. Consider this when shooting at the enemy.
  • The battle rating (BR) determines which opponents you can meet while driving this vehicle. The BR is displayed in the stat card and depends on the selected game mode.
  • The Tracks modification significantly improves the maneuverability of the tank, especially when turning on the spot.
  • Before using an aircraft in arcade tank battles, make sure that your tank is under cover and will not be destroyed while you are in the sky.

Historical trivia

  • The design of the Ki-43's retractable landing gear was copied from the V-143 (designed by the American company Chance Vought).
  • One of the most famous pilots of the La-5FN, Aleksei Maresyev, remained an aviator despite the loss of his legs.
  • The three Gladiators, repelling an Italian aerial assault on Malta, were Faith,Hope, and Charity.
  • The famous Antoine de Saint-Exupéry flew a P-38G.
  • The Me.163 was originally named the Li.163, after chief designer Alexander Lippisch.
  • The Arado Ar.234 was designed to be a scout plane. Its initial scheme did not hold any bombs, just a non-retractable 3-wheeled landing gear.
  • The Swordfish was nicknamed the stringbag because of its construction, a couple of decades out of date when it began to serve in combat.
  • Because of the shape of its fuselage, the P-47 earned the nickname Jug.
  • The Lancaster had an impressive bomb load of 6356 kgs.
  • General Bennett once remarked that the Mosquito (FB.Mk.VI) had only one drawback: the Air Forces never had enough of them.
  • The first series of Spitfires used twin-bladed wooden propellers, but from the 74th aircraft on, three-bladed metal propellers were used instead.
  • The test MC200 (Prototype MM.336) made its first flight on December 24, 1937.
  • The most well-known operation involving a P-38G was the interception and destruction of a G4M1 bomber with Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto on board.
  • The A6M2-N was created to cover troop landing operations and conduct combat operations near the atolls, where building coastal airfields was impossible.
  • The Zero had no equal in the skies over the Pacific until the end of 1942.
  • In 1944, Henry Ford's plant in Willow Run released one B-24 every hour (up to 650 planes per month).
  • When the B5N prototype was developed, it included a hydraulic wing-folding system which would not be included in the production model.
  • The Beaufighter was the first plane designed to allow the installation of radar systems.
  • The Beaufort was based on the Blenheim and inherited its wing structure, tail, and landing gear.
  • The CAC Boomerang was a redesigned Wirraway training plane.
  • At the time of its creation, the D3A1 was one of the best divers in the world.
  • To extend or retract the landing gear, Wildcat pilots had to turn a handle of a mechanical winch 29 times.
  • According to official figures, the Hellcat shot down 5156 enemy aircraft.
  • The CR.42 Falco fighter can rightly be considered one of the best biplanes of World War II.
  • The G.50 Freccia was the first Italian all-metal monoplane fighter.
  • The range of the Mitsubishi G4M1 was colossal at about 6000 km.
  • The Mk.II Gladiator differed from the earlier production models by including a more reliable engine, the Bristol Mercury VIIIA/AS (830 hp).
  • The Hs.129B variant included the Gnome-Rhône 14M 700 hp engine, which had been obtained during the occupation of France.
  • The Ju.87's automatic air brakes allowed it to pull out of a dive even if the pilot lost consciousness from excessive g-forces.
  • The Ki-61's engine, the 12-cylinder liquid-cooled Ha-40, was a licensed copy of the DB 601A.
  • Many wanted to decommission the SBD before the war even began, but it still took part in the hostilities and in 1942 sunk more enemy ships than any other naval aircraft.
  • Thanks to its hydraulic wings, the TBF could be packed or unpacked by the pilot in just a few seconds.
  • The Tempest saw its first mass use by the RAF during the Allied landings at Normandy.
  • The Brewster F2A Buffalo was the first carrier-based monoplane used by the U.S. Navy.
  • The OS2U played numerous roles, including artillery spotter and even providing cover for amphibious operations.
  • The tropical variant, the Bf.109F-4, protected the pilot from overheating on the ground with a mounted umbrella covering the cockpit.
  • The absence of armor on the H6K4 was due to the plane's long range (up to 6000 km).
  • The PBY Catalina was the most popular seaplane; some are still in civilian use.
  • The A5M was the world's first monoplane carrier-based fighter.


  • A big ship needs a big torpedo.
  • Crashed.. for good luck!
  • Try to come back alive - your country needs you.
  • Too many missions? This is your job, pilot!
  • You should have no problem landing; what goes up must come down..eventually.
  • For a good pilot, any weather is acceptable.
  • The aircraft is on the ground, and the pilot's alive. A successful landing!
  • Don't wait to love until you're too old, and don't wait to brake until you're out of landing strip!
  • It's better to fly badly than to fall well.
  • Fly timidly and you won't get very far.
  • The effectiveness of enemy aircraft attacks is about 50%, ground-based anti-aircraft attacks, 70%, and a cold, hard slam into the earth - 100%.
  • One wing is good, but two are better.
  • Have a pleasant flight!
  • A bad pilot can't even handle a steering column.
  • A good pilot can fly anything that flies - and, with some difficulty, even things never meant to fly.
  • Do not stand near a bomb.
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